Bawiti Oasis Resort has a travelagency of its own named:
Key To Egypt Tours

All desertadventures can be combined with visiting the Gizeh Plateau, Sakkara and other attractions in Cairo, or just as you wish and you heart desires. Totally according to your wishes, you can be carried by a camel, travel relaxed in a luxurious four-wheel-drive Toyota, or walking on hiking boots, and even a combination of all three. We will try to do more than our very best to assist you during breathtaking experiences.

We will take you to unknown quiet adventurous places in the desert, in which one can create inner peace and memories of one's own to take back home. Every desertadventure will be a life changing experiment, a unique chance for adventurers as well as for those who seek self healing.
Even when you don't have your stay at the Bawiti Oasis Resort, you are welcome to accompany us on our adventures!
If you want to stay in a hotel in Cairo, Siwa or Luxor we can arrange that for you, if you want to enjoy one of our travelprograms all the same, we will assure this will all be followed up on your own wishes as your heart desires.
The transfer from Cairo Airport to your vacation residence, or Bahariya, as well as in return, can also be organised by us for reasonable prices.

We are also experts in organizing :

Family travels, with or without children. We are experienced in accompanying children in the ages of baby to teen. The desert is one great paradise to discover and an adventurous place for small and grown-up children!

When one wants to spend some time alone and leave everything for what it is,
we offer you possibilities as your heart desires.   

Grouptravels for tourleaders and travelagencies
And Oriental Sacred Bellydance Travels